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CSMM designs a future-fit workplace for the Frankfurt office of Addleshaw Goddard LLP

Munich, September 14, 2023 – The internationally renowned law firm of Addleshaw Goddard has just completed another innovative workplace design collaboration with leading consulting and architecture firm CSMM. After the successful development of the Hamburg branch, the firm commissioned CSMM to work on its second office in Germany as well. The office in Frankfurt is designed with rapid staff growth in mind and with a floorplan flexible enough to adapt to the firm’s requirements as they evolve. Based on the insights gained in a workshop, the design reflected the needs of everyone in the office.

Addleshaw Goddard and CSMM started working together in Hamburg in the run-up to the opening of the firm’s first German office in 2020. Thanks to the optimal space strategy aligned with staff needs as well as the high-quality materials and warm colour scheme, CSMM created a sophisticated yet practical design for the Hamburg office. The design team configured the office for agility, combining the open-plan layout common in Anglo-Saxon offices with the individual offices prevalent in traditional German law firms. To ensure everyone gets the work environment that best suits their needs, CSMM held a workshop to obtain staff input regarding the colour scheme as well as the floorplan. The main objective of the project was to develop an interior design that gives staff a sense of belonging, is instantly recognisable and remains true to the firm’s European brand equity. Building on the positive experience and the achievements of the first project in Hamburg, Addleshaw Goddard decided to adapt this successful design for the Frankfurt office as well. They commissioned the same team from CSMM to work on the project, relying on its expertise and knowledge of the firm’s requirements.

Open-ended and demand-driven design for the ideal work environment

As Addleshaw Goddard continues to grow its Frankfurt-based workforce, the CSMM team made a design flexible enough to meet the firm’s future needs and a floorplan that uses the space in the Westend property to its best advantage. “Today’s companies are looking for a more agile and dynamic use of space, so the hallmark of a contemporary offices is a design that promotes growth and flexible work models,” says Malte Tschörtner, Managing Partner at CSMM. “State-of-the-art workplaces have to have the flexibility to adapt to varying numbers of staff working on site. It is up to us as architects to make the office a ‘place of possibility’ ready for every conceivable future scenario from the outset. We have had outstanding results with hybrid, dynamic and collaborative designs that optimize the use of space.”

Based on a detailed employee survey – and with the close collaboration of Addleshaw Goddard – CSMM developed personalised solutions to satisfy the requirements of all individual staff. The needs assessment made it clear that Addleshaw Goddard staff want a variety of spaces to strike the right balance between deep concentration work and client confidentiality on the one hand as well as formal and informal gatherings of all types on the other. The result is a mix of private offices where staff can retreat when necessary with common areas for collaboration and knowledge exchange. The library, designed as a setting for casual encounters and informal exchange, has ample space for group activities. CSMM also included generous kitchen and lounge areas to promote social interaction and provide a pleasant work environment for staff and clients alike. With this innovative design, Addleshaw Goddard has a sophisticated yet practical workplace and the added value of enhanced employer branding. “In close partnership with CSMM, we continue in our quest to provide an office environment that suits our needs as they evolve. The Frankfurt office not only reflects our deep-rooted values of efficiency, employee well-being and customer service at the highest level, but also demonstrates our pursuit of excellence in all aspects of our business,” said Dr Michael Leue, Partner and Head of Addleshaw Goddard Germany.


Recognisability as part of the firm’s evolving corporate identity

The CSMM project team continued to develop the corporate identity created for the firm’s European branch offices, making the Frankfurt branch clearly recognisable as an Addleshaw Goddard office. Using the floorplan and furnishings of the Hamburg project as a basis, the design was adapted to suit the architectural features of the property in Frankfurt. The unusually tapered shape of this striking building presented distinct challenges for the interior design. With few right angles, the design relied on built-in furnishings and custom cabinetry to make the most of this unique space.

“Our shared values and the positive partnership between Addleshaw Goddard and CSMM were the critical success factors in the design of the new Frankfurt office,” reports Katja Heimstädt, Project Manager at CSMM. “As our relationship grew, we were able to create and quickly implement the right solution for the client based on our knowledge of their needs and our relationship of mutual trust.”

Media contact

Contact: Nicole Vesting
Kurfürstenplatz 6, 80796 München
Tel: +49 (0)89 45 23 508-11
Fax: +49 (0)89 45 23 508-20

CSMM Contact

CSMM – architecture matters
Contact: Nina Eisenbrand
Werk 3, Atelierstraße 14, 81671 München
Tel.: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-0
Fax: +49 (0)89 960 15 99-99


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